Now On Tap: Livid Dreams

Livid Dreams - Wild Mind Artisan Ales

There’s nothing quite like a beer on the patio, and we have a new one on tap that’s perfect for a Minnesota summer night. Livid Dreams is the latest foeder-aged wild ale to come out of our barrel room.

The beer was aged in our Italian-made, French oak foeders for six months and then transferred to pinot noir barrels to condition on blackberry puree and wild Peruvian ginger. The resulting beer is refreshing and lightly sweet with notes of tart berries, lemon, a bit of sharp ginger flavor, and of course some mild funk from our native wild yeast.

Come on by the tasting room this week to grab a glass of this limited sour before it’s gone!

Style: foeder aged wild ale, conditioned on blackberries and wild Peruvian ginger

Adjuncts: Wheat, Oats, Blackberry Puree, Wild Peruvian Ginger

Aging time: 6 months in a foeder + 6 weeks in a pinot noir barrel

Barrel Type: Foeder, Italian made with french oak, Barrel, Pinot Noir from Pellegrini

Tasting notes: Tart berries, lemon, sharp ginger, mild funk